Community Habilitation provides in- home and community services to the families of participants thereby supporting caregivers with the difficult task of raising a child with special needs. The services is provided anywhere from 15 to 30 hours a week.
Participants of all ages are eligible for this program as long as they qualify (Medicaid eligible, Bronx resident, diagnosed developmental disability). This service allows participants to maximize their living skills while taking the opportunity to travel into the community. In the interim, caregivers are provided an opportunity to rest and refocus their priorities.
We are staffed with over 25 community habilitation specialists and we provide services for approximately 25 families.
Respite services provide temporary relief from the demands of care giving, which helps reduce overall family stress. This often enables families to better meet the needs of their loved one with a developmental disability. Respite can be provided in the home or out of the home, during the day, evenings or overnight.
It is an “indirect” service that provides relief to individuals responsible for the primary care and support of an individual with a developmental disability. When the person providing the care has to deal with an illness, emergency, and care giver or staff vacation, respite services can ensure that their loved one’s needs are met.